Refunda & cancellation
As per Nimbus Education Terms & Conditions there is no refund policy of the classroom courses, or the online courses bought by the user. If by means of any promotional offers being advertised for cash backs or money back offers being given, in those cases Nimbus Education will abide by its commitment to pay as applicable on the pay agreement.
- Wrong Course Purchased: The user may claim the adjustment of purchase of any course purchased wrongly by him. In that case, the user should inform the administration about the wrong course bought within 24 hours of purchasing, beyond which Nimbus Education will not be held liable for any loss to any individual. In case of informing within 24 hours, the user fee shall be adjusted to another course and cannot be settled in terms of cash or any other refunds.
- Double Payment: The user may claim refund if the same course has been purchased twice by mistake. This information shall be given to administrator within 48 hours, which shall be settled after taking due diligence of the situation.
For any failures in online payments or in case of Amount deducted from user’s Savings/Current Bank account and not credited to Nimbus Education bank account, Nimbus Education has no role and is not liable to give admission. The user needs to contact the Bank branch or Bank Customer Care for solving the issue.
This Refund Policy is a part of Terms & Conditions of Nimbus Education. As a condition of enrolling with Nimbus Education and using the services offered, it is deemed that you have read and understands the Refund Policy and agree to be bound by its Terms of Use. If at any point of time the user disagrees with the Refund Policy, he or she can discontinue the services offered by Nimbus Education. However, any payments made prior to this discontinuation shall fully come in the ambit of this Refund Policy.
If you Agree to the above Terms & Conditions, then you may start your journey to your dream career by Signing in here: